John Sexton is temporarily assigned at the International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center as team leader for this project. He is a Certified Consulting IT Specialist, based in Wellington, New Zealand, and has over 25 years of experience working in IT. He has worked at IBM for the last 17 years. His areas of expertise include IBM System p, IBM AIX, IBM HACMP, virtualization, storage, cloud, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, SAN, SVC, and business continuity. He provides pre-sales support and technical services for clients throughout New Zealand, including consulting, solution design and implementation, troubleshooting, performance monitoring, system migration, and training. Prior to joining IBM in New Zealand, John worked in the United Kingdom building and maintaining systems in the UK financial and advertising industries.
John Sexton has authored the following 2 documents. Click one of the links below to show just the documents of that type.
Product Guides by John Sexton
IBM Flex System V7000 Storage Node (withdrawn)
Product Guide, first published 17 Sep 2013, last updated 12 Mar 2014