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Lenovo HUSMM32 Enterprise Performance 12G SAS FIPS SED SSDs

Product Guide (withdrawn product)



The 12 Gb SAS HUSMM32 Enterprise Performance FIPS SED solid-state drives (SSDs) are high-performance self-encrypting drives (SEDs) that adhere to the Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS 140-2) cryptographic standard.

These drives, available in either 2.5-inch or 3.5-inch drive form factor for System x servers, offer high endurance supporting up to 10 full drive writes per day (10 DWPD) over 5 years meaning they are ideal for write-intensive applications.

This product guide provides essential presales information to understand the 12 Gb SAS FIPS SED SSD offerings and their key features, specifications, and compatibility. This guide is intended for technical specialists, sales specialists, sales engineers, IT architects, and other IT professionals who want to learn more about the SSDs and consider their use in IT solutions.

Withdrawn: All drives described in this product guides are now withdrawn from marketing.


The 12 Gb SAS HUSMM32 Enterprise Performance FIPS SED solid-state drives (SSDs) are high-performance self-encrypting drives (SEDs) that adhere to the Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS 140-2) cryptographic standard. These drives are available in either 2.5-inch or 3.5-inch drive form factor for System x servers.

Self-encrypting drives provide the ultimate in security for data-at-rest and help reduce IT drive retirement costs in the data center. When combined with the compatible RAID controllers, SED drives in Lenovo servers deliver a cost-effective, secure solution for businesses of all sizes. Self-encrypting drives are also an excellent choice if you need to comply with government or industry rules regarding data privacy and encryption.

The 12 Gb SAS Enterprise Performance FIPS SED SSD is shown in the following figure.

12 Gb SAS Enterprise Performance SSD
Figure 1. 12 Gb SAS Enterprise Performance FIPS SED SSD (hot-swap tray removed)

Did you know?

The 12 Gb SAS drives with 10 full drives writes per day (DWPD) are an excellent choice for applications demanding high write performance, such as High Performance Computing (HPC), High Definition Imaging and Video (HDIV), high data rate analytics and databases, large-scale virtualization, and video on demand content delivery.

These HUSMM32 FIPS drives are follow-on drives to the SSC+ drives described in

Part number information

The following table lists the information for ordering part numbers and feature codes for ThinkSystem servers.

Withdrawn: All drives described in this product guides are now withdrawn from marketing.

Table 1. Ordering information - ThinkSystem
Part number Feature Description
2.5-inch hot-swap drives - ThinkSystem
7SD7A05754 B11P ThinkSystem 2.5" HUSMM32 400GB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS
7SD7A05753 B11Q ThinkSystem 2.5" HUSMM32 800GB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS
7SD7A05752 B11R ThinkSystem 2.5" HUSMM32 1.6TB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS
3.5-inch hot-swap drives - ThinkSystem
7SD7A05751 B11S ThinkSystem 3.5" HUSMM32 400GB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS
7SD7A05750 B11T ThinkSystem 3.5" HUSMM32 800GB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS
7SD7A05749 B11U ThinkSystem 3.5" HUSMM32 1.6TB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS

The following table lists the information for ordering part numbers and feature codes for System x servers.

Table 2. Part number information - System x
Part number Feature Description
2.5-inch hot-swap drives
7SD7A05748 AXG5 400GB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS
7SD7A05747 AXG6 800GB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS
7SD7A05746 AXG7 1.6TB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS
3.5-inch hot-swap drives
7SD7A05745 AXG8 400GB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS
7SD7A05744 AXG9 800GB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS
7SD7A05743 AXGA 1.6TB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS

The part numbers include the following items:

  • One 2.5-inch SSD with either a 2.5-inch or 3.5-inch a hot-swap tray attached
  • Documentation

The benefits of drive encryption

Self-encrypting drives (SEDs) such as the 12 Gb SAS HUSMM32 Enterprise Performance FIPS SED SSDs provide benefits in three main ways:

  • By encrypting data on-the-fly at the drive level with no performance impact
  • By providing instant secure erasure (cryptographic erasure, thereby making the data no longer readable)
  • By enabling auto-locking to secure active data if a drive is misplaced or stolen from a system while in use

The following sections describe the benefits in more details.

Automatic encryption

It is vital that a company keep its data secure. With the threat of data loss due to physical theft or improper inventory practices, it is important that the data be encrypted. However, challenges with performance, scalability, and complexity have led IT departments to push back against security policies that require the use of encryption. In addition, encryption has been viewed as risky by those unfamiliar with key management, a process for ensuring a company can always decrypt its own data. Self-encrypting drives comprehensively resolve these issues, making encryption both easy and affordable.

When the self-encrypting drive is in normal use, its owner need not maintain authentication keys (otherwise known as credentials or passwords) in order to access the data on the drive. The self-encrypting drive will encrypt data being written to the drive and decrypt data being read from it, all without requiring an authentication key from the owner.

Drive retirement and disposal

When hard drives are retired and moved outside the physically protected data center into the hands of others, the data on those drives is put at significant risk. IT departments retire drives for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Returning drives for warranty, repair, or expired lease agreements
  • Removal and disposal of drives
  • Repurposing drives for other storage duties

Nearly all drives eventually leave the data center and their owner's control. Corporate data resides on such drives, and when most leave the data center, the data they contain is still readable. Even data that has been striped across many drives in a RAID array is vulnerable to data theft because just a typical single stripe in today’s high-capacity arrays is large enough to expose for example, hundreds of names and bank account numbers.

In an effort to avoid data breaches and the ensuing customer notifications required by data privacy laws, companies use different methods to erase the data on retired drives before they leave the premises and potentially fall into the wrong hands. Current retirement practices that are designed to make data unreadable rely on significant human involvement in the process, and are thus subject to both technical and human failure.

The drawbacks of today’s drive retirement practices include the following:

  • Overwriting drive data is expensive, tying up valuable system resources for days. No notification of completion is generated by the drive, and overwriting won’t cover reallocated sectors, leaving that data exposed.
  • Methods that include degaussing or physically shredding a drive are expensive. It is difficult to ensure the degauss strength is optimized for the drive type, potentially leaving readable data on the drive. Physically shredding the drive is environmentally hazardous, and neither practice allows the drive to be returned for warranty or expired lease.
  • Some companies have concluded the only way to securely retire drives is to keep them in their control, storing them indefinitely in warehouses. But this is not truly secure because a large volume of drives coupled with human involvement inevitably leads to some drives being lost or stolen.
  • Professional disposal services is an expensive option and includes the cost of reconciling the services as well as internal reports and auditing. Transporting of the drives also has the potential of putting the data at risk.

Self-encyrpting drives eliminate the need to overwrite, destroy, or store retired drives. When the drive is to be retired, it can be cryptographically erased, a process that is nearly instantaneous regardless of the capacity of the drive.

Instant secure erase

The self-encrypting drive provides instant data encryption key destruction via cryptographic erasure. When it is time to retire or repurpose the drive, the owner sends a command to the drive to perform a cryptographic erasure. Cryptographic erasure simply replaces the encryption key inside the encrypted drive, making it impossible to ever decrypt the data encrypted with the deleted key.

Self-encrypting drives reduce IT operating expenses by reducing asset control challenges and disposal costs. Data security with self-encrypting drives helps ensure compliance with privacy regulations without hindering IT efficiency. So called "Safe Harbor" clauses in government regulations allow companies to not have to notify customers of occurrences of data theft if that data was encrypted and therefore unreadable.

Furthermore, self-encrypting drives simplify decommissioning and preserve hardware value for returns and repurposing by:

  • Eliminating the need to overwrite or destroy the drive
  • Securing warranty returns and expired lease returns
  • Enabling drives to be repurposed securely


Insider theft or misplacement is a growing concern for businesses of all sizes; in addition, managers of branch offices and small businesses without strong physical security face greater vulnerability to external theft. Self-encrypting drives include a feature called auto-lock mode to help secure active data against theft.

Using a self-encrypting drive when auto-lock mode is enabled simply requires securing the drive with an authentication key. When secured in this manner, the drive’s data encryption key is locked whenever the drive is powered down. In other words, the moment the self-encrypting drive is switched off or unplugged, it automatically locks down the drive’s data.

When the self-encrypting drive is then powered back on, it requires authentication before being able to unlock its encryption key and read any data on the drive, thus protecting against misplacement and theft.

While using self-encrypting drives just for the instant secure erase is an extremely efficient and effective means to help securely retire a drive, using self-encrypting drives in auto-lock mode provides even more advantages. From the moment the drive or system is removed from the data center (with or without authorization), the drive is locked. No advance thought or action is required from the data center administrator to protect the data. This helps prevent a breach should the drive be mishandled and helps secure the data against the threat of insider or outside theft.


The 12 Gb SAS HUSMM32 Enterprise Performance FIPS SED SSDs have the following features:

  • Based on the HGST Ultrastar SS300 drive family
  • Industry-standard 2.5-inch drive with 2.5-inch or 3.5-inch drive tray attached
  • Compliant with the FIPS 140-2 Level 2 standard for cryptography modules
  • Supports the SafeStore self-encyrpting drive (SED) functionality of ServeRAID adapters
  • Uses 3D Multi-Level Cell (MLC) NAND flash memory
  • Endurance of 10 drive writes per day (DWPD) for 5 years. This equates to a total bytes written (TBW) value of:
    • 400 GB drive: 7 PB
    • 800 GB drive: 15 PB
    • 1.6 TB drive: 29 PB
  • SAS MLC solid-state drive with high read performance and consistently low latencies to fulfill client needs in the enterprise space
  • High reliability and enhanced ruggedness
  • Energy saving, with 9 W typical power consumption per drive
  • Absence of moving parts to reduce potential failure points in the server
  • S.M.A.R.T. support
  • Advanced Encrypting Standard (AES) 256-bit encryption
  • Supports Sanitize Cryptographic Erase
  • Full end-to-end data path protection:
    • Extended error correction code (ECC)
    • Exclusive-OR (XOR) parity to protect against Flash die failure
    • Parity-checked internal data paths without an external write cache
    • Power loss data management without the need for a supercapacitor

The key difference between Enterprise Performance SSDs such as the 12Gb SAS SSDs described here and Enterprise Entry and Enterprise Mainstream SSDs, is their endurance (life expectancy). SSDs have a huge, but finite, number of program/erase (P/E) cycles, which determines how long the drives can perform write operations and thus their life expectancy. Enterprise Performance SSDs have better endurance than the Enterprise Mainstream and Enterprise Entry SSDs, but at a higher cost/IOPS ratio.

SSD write endurance is typically measured by the number of program/erase cycles that the drive can incur over its lifetime, which is listed as TBW in the device specification. The TBW value that is assigned to a solid-state device is the total bytes of written data that a drive can be guaranteed to complete. Reaching this limit does not cause the drive to immediately fail; the TBW simply denotes the maximum number of writes that can be guaranteed.

A solid-state device does not fail upon reaching the specified TBW, but at some point after surpassing the TBW value (and based on manufacturing variance margins), the drive reaches the end-of-life point, at which time the drive goes into read-only mode. Because of such behavior, careful planning must be done to use SSDs in the application environments to ensure that the TBW of the drive is not exceeded before the required life expectancy.

For example, the 800 GB drive has an endurance of 15 PB of total bytes written (TBW). This means that for full operation over five years, write workload must be limited to no more than 8,219 GB of writes per day, which is equivalent to 10.3 full drive writes per day (DWPD). For the device to last three years, the drive write workload must be limited to no more than 13,699 GB of writes per day, which is equivalent to 17.1 full drive writes per day.

Technical specifications

The following table presents technical specifications for the 12 Gb SAS HUSMM32 Enterprise Performance FIPS SED SSDs.

Table 3. Technical specifications
Feature 400 GB drive 800 GB drive 1.6 TB drive
Interface 12 Gbps SAS 12 Gbps SAS 12 Gbps SAS
Capacity 400 GB 800 GB 1.6 TB
Endurance (drive
writes per day over 5 years)
(total bytes written)
7 PB 15 PB 29 PB
Data reliability 1 in 1017 bits read 1 in 1017 bits read 1 in 1017 bits read
MTBF 2,500,000 hours 2,500,000 hours 2,500,000 hours
IOPS reads (4 KB blocks) 240,000 240,000 240,000
IOPS writes (4 KB blocks) 166,000 130,000 128,000
Sequential read rate
(128 KB blocks)
1076 MBps 1076 MBps 1076 MBps
Sequential write rate
(128 KB blocks)
1014 MBps 932 MBps 862 MBps
Latency (seq) 85 µs 85 µs 85 µs
Shock, operating 1,500 G (Max) at 0.5 ms 1,500 G (Max) at 0.5 ms 1,500 G (Max) at 0.5 ms
Vibration, operating 2.17 GRMS (5-700 Hz) 2.17 GRMS (5-700 Hz) 2.17 GRMS (5-700 Hz)
Typical power 9 W 9 W 9 W

Server support - ThinkSystem

The following table lists the ThinkSystem servers that are compatible.

Table 4. ThinkSystem server support
Description and part number E 1S Intel 2S Intel AMD 4S Intel Dense/ Blade
SE350 (7Z46 / 7D1X)
ST50 (7Y48/7Y50)
ST250 (7Y45/7Y46)
SR150 (7Y54)
SR250 (7Y51/7Y52)
ST550 (7X09/7X10)
SR530 (7X07/7X08)
SR550 (7X03/7X04)
SR570 (7Y02/7Y03)
SR590 (7X98/7X99)
SR630 (7X01/7X02)
SR650 (7X05/7X06)
SR670 (7Y36/7Y37/7Y38)
SR635 (7Y98 / 7Y99)
SR655 (7Y00 / 7Z01)
SR850 (7X18/7X19)
SR860 (7X69/7X70)
SR950 (7X11/12/13)
SD530 (7X21)
SD650 (7X58)
SN550 (7X16)
SN850 (7X15)
2.5" HUSMM32 400GB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS, 7SD7A05754 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y N N N
2.5" HUSMM32 800GB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS, 7SD7A05753 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y N N N
2.5" HUSMM32 1.6TB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS, 7SD7A05752 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y N N N
3.5" HUSMM32 400GB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS, 7SD7A05751 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N
3.5" HUSMM32 800GB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS, 7SD7A05750 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N
3.5" HUSMM32 1.6TB Performance SAS 12Gb Hot Swap SSD FIPS, 7SD7A05749 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N

Server support - System x

The following tables list the System x servers that are compatible.

Support for System x and dense servers with Xeon E5/E7 v4 and E3 v5 processors

Table 5. Support for System x and dense servers with Xeon E5/E7 v4 and E3 v5 processors
x3250 M6 (3943)
x3250 M6 (3633)
x3550 M5 (8869)
x3650 M5 (8871)
x3850 X6/x3950 X6 (6241, E7 v4)
nx360 M5 (5465, E5-2600 v4)
sd350 (5493)
nx360 M5 WCT (5467, E5 v4)
7SD7A05748 400GB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS N N Y Y N N N N
7SD7A05747 800GB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS N N Y Y N N N N
7SD7A05746 1.6TB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS N N Y Y N N N N
7SD7A05745 400GB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS N N Y Y N N N N
7SD7A05744 800GB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS N N Y Y N N N N
7SD7A05743 1.6TB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS N N Y Y N N N N

Support for System x and dense servers with Intel Xeon v3 processors

Table 6. Support for servers with Intel Xeon v3 processors
x3100 M5 (5457)
x3250 M5 (5458)
x3500 M5 (5464)
x3550 M5 (5463)
x3650 M5 (5462)
x3850 X6/x3950 X6 (6241, E7 v3)
nx360 M5 (5465)
7SD7A05748 400GB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS N N N N N N N
7SD7A05747 800GB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS N N N N N N N
7SD7A05746 1.6TB Enterprise Performance 12Gbps SAS G3HS 2.5" SSD FIPS N N N N N N N
7SD7A05745 400GB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS N N N N N N N
7SD7A05744 800GB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS N N N N N N N
7SD7A05743 1.6TB Enterprise Performance 12Gb SAS HS 3.5" SSD FIPS N N N N N N N

Storage controller support

SED drives require a supported SAS controller, either a SAS HBA or a RAID controller with SED support. SED support of RAID adapters is via the MegaRAID SafeStore functionality of the adapter. SED support of the SAS HBAs is by using software on the server (SED commands are passed through the HBA to the drives).

The following table lists which ThinkSystem controllers support the use of SED drives.

Note: Not all servers that support the HUSMM32 SED drives also support all of the adapters supported here. Consult the individual server product guide for specific server support of the adapters.

Table 7. ThinkSystem controller support for SED drives
Part number Feature
Description Supports
SED Services
7Y37A01088 AUNL ThinkSystem 430-8i SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA Yes Host software pass-thru
4C57A16217 B0SS ThinkSystem SD530 430-8i SAS/SATA 12Gb Dense HBA Kit Yes Host software pass-thru
7Y37A01089 AUNM ThinkSystem 430-16i SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA Yes Host software pass-thru
Internal RAID Adapters
None None Intel RSTe onboard controller No support None
7M27A03918 AUYR ThinkSystem RAID 530-4i 2 Drive Adapter Kit for SN550 Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
7M17A03932 AVEC ThinkSystem RAID 530-4i 4 Drive Adapter Kit for SN850 Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
7Y37A01082 AUNG ThinkSystem RAID 530-8i PCIe 12Gb Adapter Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
4C57A16216 AUYK ThinkSystem SD530 HW RAID Kit Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
7Y37A01083 AUNH ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i 1GB Cache PCIe 12Gb Adapter No support None
4Y37A09722 B4RQ ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i 2GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
7M27A03917 AUYS ThinkSystem RAID 930-4i-2GB 2 Drive Adapter Kit for SN550 Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
7M17A03933 AVED ThinkSystem RAID 930-4i-2GB 4 Drive Adapter Kit for SN850 Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
7Y37A01084 AUNJ ThinkSystem RAID 930-8i 2GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
7Y37A01085 AUNK ThinkSystem RAID 930-16i 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
4Y37A09721 B31E ThinkSystem RAID 930-16i 8GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
7Y37A01086 AUV1 ThinkSystem RAID 930-24i 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter Yes MegaRAID SafeStore
External RAID Adapters
7Y37A01087 AUNQ ThinkSystem RAID 930-8e 4GB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapter Yes MegaRAID SafeStore

For more information, see the RAID adapter and HBA product guides:

System x controllers are listed in the following table.

Table 8. System x controller support for SED drives
Part number Feature code Description Supports SED SED Services
46C9114 A45W ServeRAID M1215 SAS/SATA Controller Yes MegaRAID SafeStore*
46C9110 A3YZ ServeRAID M5210 SAS/SATA Controller Yes MegaRAID SafeStore*
47C8675 A3YY N2215 SAS/SATA HBA Yes Host software pass-thru

* System x ServeRAID RAID controllers require the MegaRAID SafeStore upgrade for SED support. This is a Features on Demand upgrade. See the relevant product guide for details.

Operating system support

SSDs operate transparently to users, storage systems, applications, databases, and operating systems.

Operating system support is based on the controller used to connect to the drives. Consult the controller propduct guide for more information:

IBM SKLM Key Management support

To effectively manage a large deployment of SEDs in Lenovo servers, IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) offers a centralized key management solution. Certain Lenovo servers support Features on Demand (FoD) license upgrades that enable SKLM support.

The following table lists the part numbers and feature codes to enable SKLM support in the management processor of the server.

Table 9. FoD upgrades for SKLM support
Part number Feature code Description
Security Key Lifecycle Manager - FoD (United States, Canada, Asia Pacific, and Japan)
00D9998 A5U1 SKLM for System x/ThinkSystem w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/1Yr S&S
00D9999 AS6C SKLM for System x/ThinkSystem w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/3Yr S&S
Security Key Lifecycle Manager - FoD (Latin America, Europe, Middle East, and Africa)
00FP648 A5U1 SKLM for System x/ThinkSystem w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/1Yr S&S
00FP649 AS6C SKLM for System x/ThinkSystem w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/3Yr S&S

The IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager software is available from Lenovo using the ordering information listed in the following table.

Table 10. IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager licenses
Part number Description
7S0A007FWW IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager Basic Edition Install License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months
7S0A007HWW IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager For Raw Decimal Terabyte Storage Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months
7S0A007KWW IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager For Raw Decimal Petabyte Storage Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months
7S0A007MWW IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager For Usable Decimal Terabyte Storage Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months
7S0A007PWW IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager For Usable Decimal Petabyte Storage Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months

The following tables list the ThinkSystem servers that are compatible.

Table 11. IBM SKLM Key Management support (Part 1 of 4)
Part Number Description AMD V3 2S Intel V3/V4 4S 8S Intel V3 Multi Node V3/V4 GPU Rich
SR635 V3 (7D9H / 7D9G)
SR655 V3 (7D9F / 7D9E)
SR645 V3 (7D9D / 7D9C)
SR665 V3 (7D9B / 7D9A)
ST650 V3 (7D7B / 7D7A)
SR630 V3 (7D72 / 7D73)
SR650 V3 (7D75 / 7D76)
SR630 V4 (7DG8 / 7DG9)
SR850 V3 (7D97 / 7D96)
SR860 V3 (7D94 / 7D93)
SR950 V3 (7DC5 / 7DC4)
SD535 V3 (7DD8 / 7DD1)
SD530 V3 (7DDA / 7DD3)
SD550 V3 (7DD9 / 7DD2)
SD520 V4 (7DFZ / 7DFY)
SR670 V2 (7Z22 / 7Z23)
SR675 V3 (7D9Q / 7D9R)
SR680a V3 (7DHE)
SR685a V3 (7DHC)
SR780a V3 (7DJ5)
A5U1 SKLM for System x w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/1Yr S&S N N Y N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N
AS6C SKLM for System x w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/3Yr S&S N N Y N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Table 12. IBM SKLM Key Management support (Part 2 of 4)
Part Number Description 1S V3 Edge Super Computing 1S Intel V2 2S Intel V2
ST50 V3 (7DF4 / 7DF3)
ST250 V3 (7DCF / 7DCE)
SR250 V3 (7DCM / 7DCL)
SE350 (7Z46 / 7D1X)
SE350 V2 (7DA9)
SE360 V2 (7DAM)
SE450 (7D8T)
SE455 V3 (7DBY)
SD665 V3 (7D9P)
SD665-N V3 (7DAZ)
SD650 V3 (7D7M)
SD650-I V3 (7D7L)
SD650-N V3 (7D7N)
ST50 V2 (7D8K / 7D8J)
ST250 V2 (7D8G / 7D8F)
SR250 V2 (7D7R / 7D7Q)
ST650 V2 (7Z75 / 7Z74)
SR630 V2 (7Z70 / 7Z71)
SR650 V2 (7Z72 / 7Z73)
A5U1 SKLM for System x w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/1Yr S&S N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N Y Y
AS6C SKLM for System x w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/3Yr S&S N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N Y Y
Table 13. IBM SKLM Key Management support (Part 3 of 4)
Part Number Description AMD V1 Dense V2 4S V2 8S 4S V1 1S Intel V1
SR635 (7Y98 / 7Y99)
SR655 (7Y00 / 7Z01)
SR655 Client OS
SR645 (7D2Y / 7D2X)
SR665 (7D2W / 7D2V)
SD630 V2 (7D1K)
SD650 V2 (7D1M)
SD650-N V2 (7D1N)
SN550 V2 (7Z69)
SR850 V2 (7D31 / 7D32)
SR860 V2 (7Z59 / 7Z60)
SR950 (7X11 / 7X12)
SR850 (7X18 / 7X19)
SR850P (7D2F / 2D2G)
SR860 (7X69 / 7X70)
ST50 (7Y48 / 7Y50)
ST250 (7Y45 / 7Y46)
SR150 (7Y54)
SR250 (7Y52 / 7Y51)
A5U1 SKLM for System x w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/1Yr S&S N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N
AS6C SKLM for System x w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/3Yr S&S N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N
Table 14. IBM SKLM Key Management support (Part 4 of 4)
Part Number Description 2S Intel V1 Dense V1
ST550 (7X09 / 7X10)
SR530 (7X07 / 7X08)
SR550 (7X03 / 7X04)
SR570 (7Y02 / 7Y03)
SR590 (7X98 / 7X99)
SR630 (7X01 / 7X02)
SR650 (7X05 / 7X06)
SR670 (7Y36 / 7Y37)
SD530 (7X21)
SD650 (7X58)
SN550 (7X16)
SN850 (7X15)
A5U1 SKLM for System x w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/1Yr S&S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N
AS6C SKLM for System x w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/3Yr S&S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N

The following table lists the System x and dense servers that support the SKLM upgrades.

Table 15. System x server support for SKLM upgrades
x3250 M6 (3943)
x3250 M6 (3633)
x3550 M5 (8869)
x3650 M5 (8871)
x3850 X6/x3950 X6 (6241, E7 v4)
nx360 M5 (5465, E5-2600 v4)
sd350 (5493)
nx360 M5 WCT (5467, E5 v4)
A5U1 SKLM for System x/ThinkSystem w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/1Yr S&S N N Y Y Y Y N N
AS6C SKLM for System x/ThinkSystem w/SEDs - FoD per Install w/3Yr S&S N N Y Y Y Y N N


The SSDs carry a one-year, customer-replaceable unit (CRU) limited warranty. When the SSDs are installed in a supported server, these drives assume the system’s base warranty and any warranty upgrades.

Solid State Memory cells have an intrinsic, finite number of program/erase cycles that each cell can incur. As a result, each solid state device has a maximum amount of program/erase cycles to which it can be subjected. The warranty for Lenovo SSDs is limited to drives that have not reached the maximum guaranteed number of program/erase cycles, as documented in the Official Published Specifications for the SSD product. A drive that reaches this limit may fail to operate according to its Specifications.

Physical specifications

The 12 Gb SAS HUSMM32 Enterprise Performance FIPS SED SSDs have the following physical specifications.

Dimensions and weight (approximate, without drive tray):

  • Height: 15 mm (0.6 in.)
  • Width: 70 mm (2.8 in.)
  • Depth: 100 mm (4.0 in.)
  • Weight: 140 g (4.9 oz lb)

Shipping dimensions and weight - 2.5-inch drives (approximate):

  • Height: 63 mm (2.5 in.)
  • Width: 174 mm (6.9 in.)
  • Depth: 133 mm (5.2 in.)

Shipping dimensions and weight- 3.5-inch drives (approximate):

  • Height: 95 mm (3.7 in.)
  • Width: 257 mm (10.1 in.)
  • Depth: 193 mm (7.6 in.)

Operating environment

The SSDs are supported in the following environment:

  • Temperature, operational: 0 to 60° C (32 to 140° F)
  • Temperature, shipping: -40 to 80° C (-40 to 176° F)
  • Relative humidity: 5 to 95% (noncondensing)
  • Maximum altitude: 3,050 m (10,000 ft)

Agency approvals

The 12 Gb SAS HUSMM32 Enterprise Performance FIPS SED SSDs conform to the following encryption standards:

  • Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2, (FIPS PUB 140-2)
  • Trusted Computing Group (TCG) SSC: Enterprise Specification

The following documents provide further information:

The SSDs also conform to the following regulations:

  • FCC Title 47, Part 15B, Class B
  • EN 55024: 1998
  • EN 55022: 2006
  • EN-60950-1 2nd Edition
  • UL/CSA EN-60950-1 2nd Edition
  • Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
  • C-Tick: AS/NZS3584
  • VCCI V-3/2013-04 Class B
  • CNS 13438: 2006
  • KCC Article 11.1
  • RoHS DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU
  • REACH 1907/2006
  • WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC

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