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ITIC Reliability Study

Reference Information

26 Feb 2025
Form Number
PDF size
3 pages, 39 KB

Change History

Changes in the February 26, 2025 update:

  • New report for November 2024 - Lenovo retains #1 position


This document lists the results of the server reliability report published by market research company, Information Technology Intelligence Consulting (ITIC). It reports that Lenovo x86 servers had the best uptime among all x86 platforms for the 10th straight year.

Current ITIC report

Read the current ITIC report and summary:

About ITIC

ITIC, founded in 2002, is a research and consulting firm in suburban Boston. It provides primary research on a wide variety of technology topics for vendors and enterprises. ITIC’s mission is to provide its clients with tactical, practical and actionable advice and to help its clients make sense of the technology and business events that influence and impact their infrastructures and IT budgets.

ITIC’s Global Server Hardware and Server OS Reliability Survey polls C-level executives and IT managers at over 1000 corporations worldwide. The independent web-based survey includes multiple-choice questions and one Essay question. To maintain objectivity, ITIC accepts no vendor sponsorship and none of the participants receives any remuneration. ITIC analysts also conduct first-person customer interviews to obtain valuable anecdotal data and gain deeper insights and contextual knowledge of the issues affecting corporate enterprises including C-suite executives, IT and security administrators and end users. ITIC employs authentication and tracking mechanisms to prevent tampering and to prohibit multiple responses by the same parties.

For more information, see their web site


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