This page provides guidance how to use the features of the Lenovo Press comparison tool.
You can use the search field either as the primary search mechanism or use it in conjunction with the advanced filters to further filter down results. The search field searches all text for matches.
Filtering allows you to perform an advanced search based on specific fields (rows) of the data. All filters are logically ANDed together. Simply click the Add Filter button and select the Attribute and possible values you want.
- For text fields, either type in a text string or select one from the pulldown (you cannot select multiple)
- For numeric fields, select the operator (equals, less than, greater than, or between), then type in or select a value (or 2 values for the between operator)
- For date fields, select the operator (equals, less than, greater than, or between), then type in or select a value (or 2 values for the between operator). You can pick the dates from a calendar picker or type in the dates. The date format required is US format - mm/dd/yyyy.
To use the filter functions, do the following:
- Click the Add Filter button

- Select the attribute you want to filter on.
- If the data you want to filter on is text, you are prompted to either enter a value or you can select from the list

- If the data you want to filter on is numeric, you are prompted to specify an operator (default is =) and enter any number or select from existing values

- If the data you want to filter on is a date, you are prompted to specify an operator (default is =) and enter or select a date:

- You can add additional filters by clicking the Add Filter button. All filters are logically ANDed together.
- You can delete a filter by clicking the red X button to the right of that filter.

- Once you are ready to filter, click the Search button.
Alternatively, you can use the filter functions directly in the column headings:
Tip: The Filter menu appears at the attribute heading. By default, this is the row headings, however if you transpose the data (click the Transpose button), then the Filter menu appears in the column heading instead.
- Click the ˅ symbol in the row or column you want to filter on
- Click Filter and then select the value(s) you want shown

- Click the Filter button.
By default, the attributes of the data are shown on the left side (row headings). If you prefer, you can transpose the data so that the attributes are along the top of the table (column headings). To do this, simply click the Transpose button.

Column actions
Here are column actions you can perform.
Resizing columns
You can resize a column by simply dragging the border between two columns, just as you would in Excel.
You can also double-click, which will resize the column to the width needed to display all cells in that column in one line, just like Excel.

Rearranging columns
You can move a column left or right by simply clicking & dragging the column heading cell.
When you click and drag the column heading, the
symbol appears. This indicates that where you have the cell is not (yet) a drop target:

Once you drag the cell left or right near to where you want to move the column to, the drop target appears (see the yellow highlight in the image below) and the
symbol changes to a
symbol, indicating that it is a valid drop target. Release the mouse and the column moves to the new position.

Hiding columns
You can hide one or more columns by clicking the ˅ symbol in the column heading then clicking Columns. You can then deselect any columns you wish to hide (or select them to show them again)

Hiding (filtering) rows or columns
You can filter out data based on specific values of attributes by clicking the ˅ symbol in the row or column heading and clicking Filter. You can then click the values you wish to show.
Tip: The Filter menu appears at the attribute heading. By default, this is the row headings, however if you transpose the data (click the Transpose button), then the Filter menu appears in the column heading instead.

Sorting data
To sort the displayed data alphabetically based on one specific column, there are two ways:
- Click the column heading once to sort ascending or a second time to reverse the sort
- Click the ˅ symbol in that column heading and click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending

Locking a column
Highlight highest/lowest (H/L)
Highlight values different from first (≠1)