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Enabling AMD Security Features (SME, SEV and SEV-ES ) on ThinkSystem Servers

Planning / Implementation

20 Feb 2024
Form Number
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13 pages, 686 KB


AMD EPYC processors on ThinkSystem servers implement several security features to improve data security in system memory. This paper introduces three such security features, Secure Memory Encryption (SME), Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV), and SEV Encrypted State (SEV-ES). The paper is for Linux administrators who want to implement these features in their AMD-based ThinkSystem servers.


Prior 2016, server administrators concerned with data security focused mainly on disk encryption, however with the availability of non-volatile memory technology, the desire to also focus on protecting data in memory also became commonplace. AMD first introduced Secure Memory Encryption (SME) and the first generation Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) technology with the release of the EYPC 7001 processor. To continually enhance security, AMD announced SEV-ES (Encrypted State) to encrypt CPU register state of the virtual machine (VM) with EYPC 7002 series processors in 2017.

Secure Memory Encryption (SME) is mainly for main memory encryption against a variety of attacks such as Coldboot.

It is not only full memory encryption, but also partial memory encryption for the flexible usage and better performance. The other benefit is that no application changes are required. The encryption and decryption process are shown in the figure below.

Memory Encryption process
Figure 1. Memory Encryption process

Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) is used to protect virtual machines against the threats from higher privileged code such as the hypervisor. SEV integrates main memory encryption capabilities with the existing AMD-V virtualization architecture. Like SME, SEV also can be used without any application modification to VMs. The SEV architecture is shown in the figure below.

SEV Architecture
Figure 2. SEV Architecture

For a VM, CPU register protection is very important as well as memory, because the attackers can obtain some information by reading and replacing the register value from a hypervisor. To prevent VM from register’s threat, SEV-ES was made available in 2017. In the architecture, it added Virtual Machine Control Block (VMCB) for CPU registers as shown in the figure below, that makes a guest VM easily protects required CPU registers and decreases the attack surface from hypervisor.

Virtual Machine Control Block (VMCB)
Figure 3. Virtual Machine Control Block (VMCB)

Linux support

The following table shows the minimum supported Linux version for each feature.

Table 1. Linux support
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 and later 8.6 and later 8.6 and later
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 and later 12 SP4 and later 15 SP3 and later
Ubuntu 18.04 and later 18.04 HWE kernel (v5.4) 20.04 HWE kernel (v5.11)

Enabling SME

Follows these steps to enable SME:

  1. To use SME, you need to enable it in UEFI. One method is to use F1 at boot to enter System Setup, go to the Memory section, and set SMEE to Enable as shown below. 

    Memory settings in System Setup
    Figure 4. Memory settings in System Setup

    Alternatively, you can use the OneCLI command line tool to enable SME using the following command:

    ./lnvgy_utl_lxceb_onecli01l-4.3.0_linux_x86-64.bin config set memory.smee enabled

    Enabling SME via OneCLI
    Figure 5. Enabling SME via OneCLI

  2. Restart the server after the command completes.
  3. To enable SME in Linux, append boot parameter mem_encrypt=on to enable memory encryption:
    [root@sme ~]# grubby --args="mem_encrypt=on" --update-kernel ALL
    [root@sme ~]#
    [root@sme ~]# grubby --info DEFAULT

    Enabling SME in Linux
    Figure 6. Enabling SME in Linux

  4. Restart the OS to activate SME.

To verify that SME is enabled, you can check the dmesg log to see what memory features are active:

[root@sme ~]# dmesg | grep SME
[    0.066635] Memory Encryption Features active: AMD SME
[root@sme ~]#

Enabling SEV

Follows these steps to enable and verify SEV:

  1. To use SEV, you need to enable it in UEFI. One method is to use F1 at boot to enter System Setup, go to the Memory section, and set SMEE to Enable as shown below.

    Tip: SMEE is the only setting you need to enable for SEV.

    Memory settings in System Setup
    Figure 7. Memory settings in System Setup

    Alternatively, you can use the OneCLI command line tool to enable SME using the following command:

    ./lnvgy_utl_lxceb_onecli01l-4.3.0_linux_x86-64.bin config set memory.smee enabled

    Enabling SME via OneCLI
    Figure 8. Enabling SME via OneCLI

  2. Restart the server after the command completes.
  3. In Linux, install the required packages using the following command:
    # yum install -y virt-install qemu-kvm qemu-img edk2-ovmf sevctl 
  4. Add boot parameters mem_encrypt=on kvm_amd.sev=1 as shown below
    [root@sev ~]# grubby --args="mem_encrypt=on kvm_amd.sev=1" --update-kernel ALL
    [root@sev ~]#
    [root@sev ~]# grubby --info DEFAULT

    Add boot parameters
    Figure 9. Add boot parameters

  5. Restart the host OS to active the SEV

  6. Create SEV guest VM using the following command:

    [rootsme-sev ~]# virt-install --name SEV \
    > --machine q35 \
    > --boot uefi \
    > --launchsecurity sev,policy=0x1 \
    > --memtune hard_limit=4563402 \
    > --memory 4096 \
    > --disk size=30 \
    > --autoconsole text \
    > --location /mnt/RHEL-9.2.0-20230414.17-x86_64-dvd1. iso \
    > --install kernel_args="console=ttyS0"

    Create a virutal machine
    Figure 10. Create a virtual machine

    The install command includes the --launchSecurity parameter which allows you to specify the guest policy. The guest policy is specified as a hexadecimal value, the hex representation of the binary policy flags as listed in Table 2 below. As highlighted in red in the above figure, the policy is policy=0x1 which means the guest VM will enable SEV in non-debug mode (bit 0 set to 1, as shown in Table 2).

    Table 2. Guest Policy
    Offset Bit(s) Name Description
    000h 0 NODBG Non-debug
    1 NOKS Not share the keys between guests
    2 ES Enable SEV-ES
    3 NOSEND Cannot send the guest to the other platform
    4 DOMAIN Only transmit the guest to the platform in the domain
    5 SEV Cannot transmit the guest to a platform without SEV capacity
    6-15 Reserved Should be zero
    002h 16-23 APL MAJOR Cannot transmit the guest to a platform with lower firmware version
    003h 24-32 API MIN

To verify that SEV is enabled on the host, the parameter of the module kvm_amd should be “Y” or “1” as shown below:

[root@sme-sev ~]# cat /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev 
[root@sme-sev ~]#

To verify that SEV is enabled in the guest VM, the dmesg log should show the SEV support information:

[root@sev-guest ~]# dmesg | grep SEV
[    0.100517] Memory Encryption Features active: AMD SEV
[root@sev-guest ~]#

Enabling SEV-ES

Follows these steps to enable and verify SEV-ES:

  1. To use SEV-ES, you need to enable it in UEFI.

    One method is to use F1 at boot to enter System Setup, go to the Processor and Memory sections. In the Processors section, set SVM Mode to Enable.

    Processor settings in System Setup
    Figure 11. Processor settings in System Setup

    In the Memory section, enable these items as shown in the figure below.

    • SMEE: Enable
    • SEV-ES ASID Count: AUTO
    • SEV-ES ASID Space Limit Control: Manual
    • SEV-ES ASID Space Limit: 10
    • SEV Control: Enable

    Memory settings in System Setup
    Figure 12. Memory settings in System Setup

    Alternatively, you can use the OneCLI command line tool using the following command to build the configuration flie:

    [root@sme-sev ~]# cat > sev-es.cfg << EOF
    > set Memory.SMEE Enable
    > set Memory.SEVASIDCount AUTO
    > set Memory.SEV-ESASIDSpaceLimitControl Manual
    > set Memory.SEV-ESASIDSpaceLimit 10
    > set Memory.SEVControl Enable
    > set Processors.SVMMode Enable
    > EOF
    [root@sme-sev ~]#
    You then enable SEV-ES via a OneCLI command with the configuration file (sev-es.cfg):
    ./lnvgy_utl_lxceb_onecli01l-4.3.0_linux_x86-64.bin config batch --file sev-es.cfg

    OneCLI command to enable SEV-ES
    Figure 13. OneCLI command to enable SEV-ES

  2. Restart the server to apply the change.
  3. In Linux, install the required packages using the following command:
    # yum install -y virt-install qemu-kvm qemu-img edk2-ovmf sevctl
  4. Add boot parameters mem_encrypt=on kvm_amd.sev=1 kvm_amd.sev_es=1 as shown below
    [root@sme-sev ~]# grubby --args="mem_encrypt=on kvm_amd.sev kvm_amd.sev_es=l" --update-kernel ALL
    [root@sme-sev ~]#
    [root@sme-sev ~]# grubby --info DEFAULT

    Add boot parameters
    Figure 14. Add boot parameters

  5. Restart the host OS to active the SEV-ES
  6. Create SEV guest VM using the following command:

    [root@sme-sev ~]# virt-install --name SEV-ES \
    > --machine q35 \
    > --boot uefi \
    > --launchsecurity sev,policy=0x5 \
    > --memtune hard_limit=4563402 \
    > --memory 4096 \
    > --disk size=30 \
    > --autoconsole text \
    > --location /mnt/RHEL-9.2.0-20230414.17-x86_64-dvd1.iso \
    > --install kernel_args="console=ttyS0"

    Create a virutal machine
    Figure 15. Create a virtual machine

    The install command includes the --launchSecurity parameter which allows you to specify the guest policy. The guest policy is specified as a hexadecimal value, the hex representation of the binary policy flags as listed in the table below. As highlighted in red in the above figure, the policy is policy=0x5 which means (converting 0x5 hex to 0101 binary), the guest VM will enable SEV in non-debug mode (bit 0 set to 1, as shown in the table) and with SEV-ES enabled (bit 2 set to 1, as shown in the table).

    Table 3. Guest Policy
    Offset Bit(s) Name Description
    000h 0 NODBG Non-debug
    1 NOKS Not share the keys between guests
    2 ES Enable SEV-ES
    3 NOSEND Cannot send the guest to the other platform
    4 DOMAIN Only transmit the guest to the platform in the domain
    5 SEV Cannot transmit the guest to a platform without SEV capacity
    6-15 Reserved Should be zero
    002h 16-23 APL MAJOR Cannot transmit the guest to a platform with lower firmware version
    003h 24-32 API MIN

To verify that SEV is enabled on the host, the parameter of the module kvm_amd should be “Y” or “1” as shown below:

[root@sme-sev ~]# cat /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev_es
[root@sme-sev ~]#

To verify that SEV is enabled in the guest VM, the dmesg log should show the SEV support information:

[root@seves-guest ~]# dmesg | grep SEV-ES
[    0.211789] Memory Encryption Features active: AMD SEV SEV-ES
[root@seves-guest ~]#

Special considerations

The following are limitations regarding the use of SME and SEV technologies:

  • For some 32-bit legacy devices, it cannot issue DMA to encrypt memory directly, thus needs IOMMU (Input–Output Memory Management Unit) to re-map device request addresses with the C-bit set.
  • Full cache flashing is a must to ensure all data has been written to DRAM before accessing a page via a different c-bit.
  • SEV and SEV-ES VMs cannot be compatible with Secure Boot.


Song Shang is a Linux Engineer in Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions Group, based in TianJin, China.

Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:

  • David Watts, Lenovo Press
  • Adrian Huang, Lenovo Linux Engineer
  • Gary Cudak, Lenovo Lead Architect

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