This IBM Redpaper will help you install, tailor, and configure the new IBM eServer BladeCenter and the Layer 2-7 GbE Switch Module (GbESM) in various network environments.
In this Redpaper, we discuss the features and functions of the GbESM and how it is managed. We also introduce some networking terms and concepts to the users and administrators of the IBM eServer BladeCenter product. This material is meant to give the non-networking professional an overall view of the switching and bridging environment, not to substitute for in-depth training on networking fundamentals.
We then provide step-by-step instructions for establishing your initial network configurations to ensure your Layer 2-7 GbE Switch Module is configured correctly and is operable so you can begin immediate communications across the network. We base this discussion on actual working configurations that we built and tested in our labs.
Also featured in this Redpaper are several configuration examples of deploying the Layer 2-7 GbE Switch Module in Cisco and Nortel environments.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to the IBM eServer BladeCenter Layer 2-7 Gb Ethernet Switch Module
Chapter 2. GbESM management and initial configuration
Chapter 3. Layer 2-7 GbE Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter functionality
Chapter 4. Layer 2 configuration guidelines
Chapter 5. Deploying the Layer 2-7 GbE Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter in a Cisco environment
Chapter 6. Deploying the Layer 2-7 GbE Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter in a Nortel environment
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