The cimsubscribe utility configures the processing of CIM-based hardware events, called CIM indications, locally on the managed system. Common Information Model (CIM) is a systems management industry standard. CIM provides a common definition of management information for systems, networks, applications, and services. It also allows the exchange of information between systems.
The cimsubscribe utility allows you to control what events are sent from IBM Director Agent to IBM Director Server and enterprise managers such as Tivoli , Microsoft SMS, and others that use SNMP. For example, if you do not want to get normal events via SNMP, you can use cimsubscribe to turn off all the subscriptions to normal event filters and SNMP. You may also want to enable local popup windows for specific events.
This paper describes the concepts behind CIM events (subscriptions, filters, handlers), what predefined subscriptions already exist, and how to create new subscriptions.
Table of Contents
Using cimsubscribe
Subscriptions to IBM Director Server
Predefined CIM handlers
Predefined CIM filters
Predefined CIM subscriptions
The team that wrote this Redpaper
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