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ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-Port PCIe Low Latency Ethernet Adapter

Product Guide

28 Oct 2023
Form Number
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10 pages, 163 KB


The ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 Low Latency Ethernet Adapter is an advanced network adapter with the low latency needed particularly for the finance industry. Suitable workloads include those used by brokers, exchanges and market data vendors. The adapter has an architecture that is optimized for reliable operation and trade execution.

This product guide provides essential presales information to understand the Alvero X3522 adapter and its key features, specifications, and compatibility. This guide is intended for technical specialists, sales specialists, sales engineers, IT architects, and other IT professionals who want to learn more about the X3522 adapter and consider its use in IT solutions.

Change History

Changes in the October 28, 2023 update:

  • Minor updates


The ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 Low Latency Ethernet Adapter is an advanced network adapter with the low latency needed particularly for the finance industry. Suitable workloads include those used by brokers, exchanges and market data vendors. The adapter has an architecture that is optimized for reliable operation and trade execution.

25Gb support: The X3522 adapter currently only operates at 10Gb Ethernet. 25GbE support is planned for 4Q/2024.

The following figure shows the ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 Low Latency Ethernet Adapter.

ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-Port PCIe Ethernet Adapter (Low Latency)
Figure 1. ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-Port PCIe Ethernet Adapter (Low Latency)

Did you know?

Today’s leading trading firms, market makers, hedge funds, and exchanges demand low latency trade execution and risk management for competitive advantage. The X3522 adapter offers the necessary performance for these application types.

Part number information

The following table shows the part number for the adapter.

Table 1. Part number information
Part number Feature code Description
4XC7A84827 BUQK ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-Port PCIe Ethernet Adapter (Low Latency)

The part numbers include the following:

  • One adapter
  • Low-profile (2U) and full-height (3U) adapter brackets
  • Documentation

Supported transceivers and cables

The following table lists the supported transceivers.

25Gb support: The X3522 adapter currently only operates at 10Gb Ethernet. 25GbE support is planned for 4Q/2024.

The following table lists the supported transceivers.

Table 2. Transceivers
Part number Feature code Description
10Gb Transceivers
46C34475053SFP+ SR Transceiver
4TC7A78615BNDRThinkSystem Accelink 10G SR SFP+ Ethernet transceiver

The following table lists the supported optical cables.

Table 3. Optical cables
Part numberFeature codeDescription
LC-LC OM3 Fiber Optic Cables
00MN499ASR5Lenovo 0.5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable
00MN502ASR6Lenovo 1m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable
00MN505ASR7Lenovo 3m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable
00MN508ASR8Lenovo 5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable
00MN511ASR9Lenovo 10m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable
00MN514ASRALenovo 15m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable
00MN517ASRBLenovo 25m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable
00MN520ASRCLenovo 30m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable
MTP-4xLC OM3 MMF Breakout Cables (these cables require a transceiver)
00FM412A5UALenovo 1m MPO-4xLC OM3 MMF Breakout Cable
00FM413A5UBLenovo 3m MPO-4xLC OM3 MMF Breakout Cable
00FM414A5UCLenovo 5m MPO-4xLC OM3 MMF Breakout Cable
SFP+ 10Gb Active Optical Cables
00YL634ATYXLenovo 1M SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable
00YL637ATYYLenovo 3M SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable
00YL640ATYZLenovo 5M SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable
00YL643ATZ0Lenovo 7M SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable
00YL646ATZ1Lenovo 15M SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable
00YL649ATZ2Lenovo 20m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable
SFP28 25Gb Active Optical Cables
4X97A94008AV1FLenovo 3m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
4X97A94011AV1GLenovo 5m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
4X97A94012AV1HLenovo 10m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
4X97A94013AV1JLenovo 15m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
4X97A94702AV1KLenovo 20m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
7Z57A03541C10RLenovo 3m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
7Z57A03542C10SLenovo 5m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
7Z57A03543C10NLenovo 10m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
7Z57A03544C10TLenovo 15m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
7Z57A03545C1MBLenovo 20m 25G SFP28 Active Optical Cable
OM4 LC to LC Cables
4Z57A10845B2P9Lenovo 0.5m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable
4Z57A10846B2PALenovo 1m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable
4Z57A10847B2PBLenovo 3m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable
4Z57A10848B2PCLenovo 5m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable
4Z57A10849B2PDLenovo 10m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable
4Z57A10850B2PELenovo 15m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable
4Z57A10851B2PFLenovo 25m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable
4Z57A10852B2PGLenovo 30m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable

The following table lists the supported direct-attach copper (DAC) cables.

Table 4. Copper cables
Part numberFeature codeDescription
SFP+ 10Gb Passive DAC Cables
00D6288A3RG0.5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable
90Y9427A1PH1m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable
00AY764A51N1.5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable
00AY765A51P2m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable
90Y9430A1PJ3m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable
90Y9433A1PK5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable
00D6151A3RH7m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable
SFP28 25Gb Passive DAC Cables
7Z57A03557AV1WLenovo 1m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable
7Z57A03558AV1XLenovo 3m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable
7Z57A03559AV1YLenovo 5m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable
QSFP28 100G-to-4x25G Ethernet Breakout Cables
7Z57A03564AV22Lenovo 1m 100G QSFP28 to 4x25G SFP28 Breakout DAC Cable
4Z57A85043BS32Lenovo 1.5m 100G to 4x25G Breakout SFP28 Breakout DAC Cable
4Z57A85044BS33Lenovo 2m 100G to 4x25G Breakout SFP28 Breakout DAC Cable
7Z57A03565AV23Lenovo 3m 100G QSFP28 to 4x25G SFP28 Breakout DAC Cable
7Z57A03566AV24Lenovo 5m 100G QSFP28 to 4x25G SFP28 Breakout DAC Cable

Technical specifications

The X3522 adapter has the following specifications:

  • Adapter hardware
    • 2x DSFP28 ports (double-density), compatible with SFP28 and SFP+
    • Each DSFP28 cage supports two ports via a shared PF
    • Support for direct attach copper (DAC) cables or optical transceivers
    • PCIe Gen4 x8 host interface
    • Low profile PCIe adapter
    • Onboard 8GB DDR4 memory
    • 1PPS In/Out SSMB connectors
    • Passively cooled
  • Network acceleration
    • Onload® - BSD sockets compliant TCP/UDP kernel bypass
    • TCPDirect - TCP/UDP kernel bypass
    • ef_vi low level API for high performance raw Ethernet networking
  • Time synchronization and hardware time stamping
    • On-board Stratum 3 compliant oscillator
    • IEEE 1588-2008 PTPv2
    • Hardware receive and transmit time stamping
  • Security features
    • Tamper resistant adapter – digitally signed firmware and secured private keys
    • Secure firmware upgrade
    • Hardware root of trust
  • Manageability and Remote Boot
    • UEFI boot
    • NC-SI over MCTP SMBus
    • PLDM over MCTP SMBus

Server support

The following tables list the ThinkSystem servers that are compatible.

Table 5. Server support (Part 1 of 4)
Part Number Description AMD V3 2S Intel V3/V4 4S 8S Intel V3 Multi Node V3/V4 1S V3
SR635 V3 (7D9H / 7D9G)
SR655 V3 (7D9F / 7D9E)
SR645 V3 (7D9D / 7D9C)
SR665 V3 (7D9B / 7D9A)
ST650 V3 (7D7B / 7D7A)
SR630 V3 (7D72 / 7D73)
SR650 V3 (7D75 / 7D76)
SR630 V4 (7DG8 / 7DG9)
SR650 V4 (7DGC / 7DGD)
SR650a V4 (7DGC / 7DGD)
SR850 V3 (7D97 / 7D96)
SR860 V3 (7D94 / 7D93)
SR950 V3 (7DC5 / 7DC4)
SD535 V3 (7DD8 / 7DD1)
SD530 V3 (7DDA / 7DD3)
SD550 V3 (7DD9 / 7DD2)
ST45 V3 (7DH4 / 7DH5)
ST50 V3 (7DF4 / 7DF3)
ST250 V3 (7DCF / 7DCE)
SR250 V3 (7DCM / 7DCL)
4XC7A84827 ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-Port PCIe Ethernet Adapter (Low Latency) Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Table 6. Server support (Part 2 of 4)
Part Number Description GPU Rich Edge Super Computing 1S Intel V2
SR670 V2 (7Z22 / 7Z23)
SR675 V3 (7D9Q / 7D9R)
SR680a V3 (7DHE)
SR685a V3 (7DHC)
SR780a V3 (7DJ5)
SE350 (7Z46 / 7D1X)
SE350 V2 (7DA9)
SE360 V2 (7DAM)
SE450 (7D8T)
SE455 V3 (7DBY)
SC750 V4 (7DDJ)
SC777 V4 (7DKA)
SD665 V3 (7D9P)
SD665-N V3 (7DAZ)
SD650 V3 (7D7M)
SD650-I V3 (7D7L)
SD650-N V3 (7D7N)
ST50 V2 (7D8K / 7D8J)
ST250 V2 (7D8G / 7D8F)
SR250 V2 (7D7R / 7D7Q)
4XC7A84827 ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-Port PCIe Ethernet Adapter (Low Latency) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Table 7. Server support (Part 3 of 4)
Part Number Description 2S Intel V2 AMD V1 Dense V2 4S V2 8S 4S V1
ST650 V2 (7Z75 / 7Z74)
SR630 V2 (7Z70 / 7Z71)
SR650 V2 (7Z72 / 7Z73)
SR635 (7Y98 / 7Y99)
SR655 (7Y00 / 7Z01)
SR655 Client OS
SR645 (7D2Y / 7D2X)
SR665 (7D2W / 7D2V)
SD630 V2 (7D1K)
SD650 V2 (7D1M)
SD650-N V2 (7D1N)
SN550 V2 (7Z69)
SR850 V2 (7D31 / 7D32)
SR860 V2 (7Z59 / 7Z60)
SR950 (7X11 / 7X12)
SR850 (7X18 / 7X19)
SR850P (7D2F / 2D2G)
SR860 (7X69 / 7X70)
4XC7A84827 ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-Port PCIe Ethernet Adapter (Low Latency) N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N
Table 8. Server support (Part 4 of 4)
Part Number Description 1S Intel V1 2S Intel V1 Dense V1
ST50 (7Y48 / 7Y50)
ST250 (7Y45 / 7Y46)
SR150 (7Y54)
SR250 (7Y52 / 7Y51)
ST550 (7X09 / 7X10)
SR530 (7X07 / 7X08)
SR550 (7X03 / 7X04)
SR570 (7Y02 / 7Y03)
SR590 (7X98 / 7X99)
SR630 (7X01 / 7X02)
SR650 (7X05 / 7X06)
SR670 (7Y36 / 7Y37)
SD530 (7X21)
SD650 (7X58)
SN550 (7X16)
SN850 (7X15)
4XC7A84827 ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-Port PCIe Ethernet Adapter (Low Latency) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

Operating system support

The adapter supports the operating systems listed in the following table.

Tip: This table is automatically generated based on data from Lenovo ServerProven.

Table 9. Operating system support for ThinkSystem AMD X3522 10/25GbE DSFP28 2-port PCIe Ethernet Adapter (Low Latency), 4XC7A84827
Operating systems
SR630 V3 (4th Gen Xeon)
SR630 V3 (5th Gen Xeon)
SR635 V3
SR645 V3
SR650 V3 (4th Gen Xeon)
SR650 V3 (5th Gen Xeon)
SR655 V3
SR665 V3
SR630 V2
SR650 V2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8 N N N N N N N N N N Y 1 Y Y 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y 1 Y Y 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y 1 Y Y 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7 Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.1 Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS N N N N N N N N Y Y N N N
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS N N N N N N N N Y Y N N N
Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS N N Y Y N N Y Y N N N N N
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS N Y N N N Y N N N N N N N
Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS N N N Y N N N Y N N N N N

1 The OS is not supported with EPYC 7003 processors.

Regulatory approvals

The X3522 adapter has the following hardware certifications:

  • FCC Part 15 – Radiated & Conducted Emissions (USA)
  • CAN ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A) – Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Canada)
  • CISPR 32 – Radiated & Conducted Emissions (International)
  • EN55032: 2015 – Radiated & Conducted Emissions (European Union)
  • EN55035:2017 – Immunity (European Union)
  • EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 (UK)
  • VCCI (Class A)– Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Japan)
  • KCC Class A (Korea)
  • CNS13438 – Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Taiwan)
  • CNS 15663 - RoHS (Taiwan)
  • AS/NZS CISPR 32 – Radiated and Conducted Emissions (Australia/New Zealand)
  • Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3 (Korea)

Physical specifications

The X3522 adapter has the following physical specifications:

  • Length: 168 mm (6.6 inches)
  • Height: 69 mm (2.7 inches)

Operating environment

The X3522 adapter is supported in the following environment:

  • Temperature:
    • Operating: 0°C to 55°C (32°F to 131°F)
    • Storage: -40°C to 75°C (-40°F to 167°F)
  • Humidity:
    • Operating: 8% to 90%
    • Storage: 5% to 95%


One year limited warranty. When installed in a Lenovo server, this adapter assumes the server’s base warranty and any warranty upgrades.

Related product families

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